After healing 15 years of digestive issues in 3 months with an Ayurvedic approach, I trained in Ayurveda and Hypnotherapy, and wrote ‘Your Peaceful Belly’ to share how to look after your digestion, support strong immunity & relieve stress.

Buy “Your Peaceful Belly”

Hi, I’m Lucy

I have been creating safe spaces for people to address health issues for over 20 years.  Studying Ayurveda with the American Institute of Vedic studies, across 3 year while working with case studies, I now support people to benefit from Ayurveda in simple ways that add up to a huge difference

After curing myself of 15 years of digestive issues with an Ayurvedic approach and then training, I wrote “Your Peaceful Belly” to support you. I have memberships with the Ayurvedic Professionals Association, the National Council for Hypnotherapy, and the Association for Coaching. I work virtually, and from Bath Natural Therapies. You can find out more about the work I do here, and book virtual appointments by emailing face to face appointments can be booked at Bath Natural Therapies

And there’s more!

On Sundays I send out my FREE Slow Sunday letter from my substack page which you can find here

connecting you to nature and helping to shift a stressed brain to a relaxed one, by supporting your positive neural networks with warm words. I also write about Ayurveda in relation to stress, burnout and chronic health conditions.

From 2025 I will be sharing the books I write as I write them with my paying subscribers (£4.99 per month) along with recordings and podcasts.

If these things interest you come join me in a world of warmth, optimism and simplicity, as a counterbalance to the daily onslaught of global news. Think of it as joining me in my kitchen around a big table for a cup of something nice.

Subscribe for FREE to my substack here

The incredible being that you are

Each one of us exists thanks to an amazing living community of cells, bacteria, fungi & protazoa  that balance each other for our wellbeing – welcome to your microbiome
Your microbiome is found in your gut, on your skin, in your eyes, in your brain – it’s in every tissue that creates your existence. When this living community teaming with life becomes unbalanced we become physically ill and mentally stressed.
A compromised microbiome stops your cells from communicating properly, with gut problems, allergies, a weakened immune system and chronic illnesses the result


When your microbiome is flourishing it enables every cell in your body to keep you healthy – diversity is key!

But that’s only part of the story. You also need to understand how to live in balance with your constitution. When we live out of balance with our particular constitution our gut microbiome also shifts out of balance, and this leads to dis-ease, which if left unaddressed, leads to disease further along the line. Ayurveda, which has been around for 5000 years, explains how to return to and remain in balance.

Gut health

There has been a surge of research, articles and books, in relation to gut health which mirrors the rise in digestive issues and chronic health conditions which has occurred alongside an increased use of chemical farming. My approach to gut health is to bring together the Ayurvedic approach, the latest research in relation to our microbiome, with a solution focused approach to managing stress—this is the approach that allowed me to heal 15 years of digestive challenges in just 3 months. Subscribe to my newsletter, and follow my podcast and posts on substack and Instagram, where I will be continuing the conversation around gut health.


I am trained in Ayurvedic nutrition. For Ayurveda, the things we consume through all of our senses will impact our body’s ability to metabolise our food. For this reason Ayurveda takes into account food and lifestyle choices, explaining the effect these have upon people with different constitutions. If you are eating nutritious food to nourish your cells but your lifestyle is causing imbalance, you will still be creating conditions that undermine your immune system and negatively impact your gut microbiome. Ayurveda is able to accurately identify your particular constitution and offer guidelines to support this. Ayurvedic Nutrition is a fascinating topic and I’ll be continuing the conversation through my posts, podcasts, newsletter, as well as on my Instagram and Facebook book pages.


During 2020 numerous research papers showed there was a correlation between gut health and the severity of COVID 19 symptoms—gut problems lead to a lowered immune function. The Ayurvedic healing model is based on the understanding that strong immunity and vibrant health are a product of good digestion, and explains that our life choices, the food we eat and, the way we grow our food, determine whether our digestion is healthy.     

We currently have a global chemical farming system that kills the microbiome in the soil, this leads to food that is lacking in nutrition, at the same time as bringing chemicals into the ecology of our physical system that kill the microbiome in our guts—hence the steep increase in gut problems and chronic health conditions since the introduction of glyphosate and other chemicals that kill biological life, in the 1990’s.

To address this we need to source our food from farming practices that regenerate the microbiome in the soil—no-dig and no chemicals. This will also allow the carbon to move from the atmosphere back into the soil—the industrial/chemical farming practices have been killing the life in our soils which caused the carbon stored in them to be be released into the atmosphere, because soil that has no life in it can’t store carbon.

Subscribe to my newsletter, and follow my podcast and posts on Facebook and Instagram, where I will be continuing the conversation around immunity.


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH) cured me of PTSD in 12 weeks, I went on to train and now support people to turn stress around. SFH is a process based on the latest in neuroscience. It shifts the brain from the survival, unhappy, angry, anxious, obsessive, addictive, depressed part of the brain to the creative, innovative neo-cortex. Operating from this part of the brain allows us to solve problems and produce all those feel good chemicals. The combination of solution focused conversation with light trance work is a powerful way to manage the stress in your life.


When your microbiome is flourishing it enables every cell in your body to keep you healthy – diversity is key!

But that’s only part of the story. We also need to understand how to live in balance with our metabolism. Ayurveda, which has been around for 5000 years, shows us how to do this.

Gut health

There has been a surge of research, articles and books in relation to gut health, which mirrors the rise in digestive issues and chronic health conditions. My approach to gut health is to bring together the Ayurvedic approach, the latest research in relation to our microbiome, with a solution focused approach to managing stress, based upon the latest in brain science – this is the approach that allowed me to heal 15 years of digestive challenges in just 3 months.

Subscribe to my newsletter, and follow my podcast and posts on Facebook and Instagram, where I will be continuing the conversation around gut health.


I am trained in Ayurvedic nutrition. For Ayurveda, the things we consume through all of our senses will impact our body’s ability to metabolise our food. For this reason Ayurveda takes into account food and lifestyle choices, explaining the effect these have upon people with different constitutions.

If you are eating nutritious food to nourish your cells but your lifestyle is causing imbalance, you will still be creating conditions that undermine your immune system and negatively impact your gut microbiome. Ayurveda is able to accurately identify your particular constitution and offer guidelines to support this.

Ayurvedic Nutrition is a fascinating topic and I’ll be continuing the conversation through my posts, podcasts, newsletter, as well as on my Instagram and Facebook book pages.


For Ayurveda, strong immunity is a product of good digestion.  We need to make sure our digestion is working well through our life choices, the food we eat and, through the way we grow that food. 

We currently have a global chemical farming system that kills the microbiome in the soil, this leads to food that is lacking  in nutrition, at the same time as bringing chemicals into our system that kill the microbiome in our guts – hence the steep increase in gut problems and chronic health conditions since the introduction of glyphosate in the 1990’s. This all contributes to a compromised immune function.

To address this we need to source our food from farming practices that regenerate the microbiome in the soil and do not use anti microbial chemicals – during 2020 numerous research papers showed there was a correlation between gut health and the severity of COVID 19 symptoms – gut problems lead to a lowered immune function.

Subscribe to my newsletter, and follow my podcast and posts on Facebook and Instagram, where I will be continuing the conversation around immunity.


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH) cured me of complex PTSD in 12 weeks, I went on to train and now support people to turn stress around. SFH is a process based on the latest in neuroscience. It shifts the brain from the survival, unhappy, angry, anxious, obsessive, addictive, depressed part of the brain to the creative, innovative neo-cortex. Operating from this part of the brain allows us to solve problems and produce all those feel good chemicals. I work with individuals and offer bespoke programmes to organisations.

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What people are saying

…I can’t recommend Lucy and Peaceful Belly enough to anyone who likes to feel more balanced and in charge of how they feel in their own body…

…Lucy is nurturing in such a grounded and honest way…

…I am so happy with the outcomes after years of struggling it has been life changing…

…I now sleep better and look forward with optimism and brightness…

…I would definitely recommend Lucy for her calm, compassionate and effective work…