I grew yellow courgettes and green last year, I had lots of courgettes to share, but I was still inundated with yellow ones so I made a few batches of this hummus and froze it, an experiment in freezing – I’ll report back.
This was a really quick light supper.
Sauté about 2 good sized sliced courgettes with 2 big cloves of sliced garlic in sesame oil, process in a food processor with a can of chick peas, juice of 1 lime, 1/2 cup light tahini, a few glugs of sesame oil and season with salt. Simple but delicious.
Balances Vata and Pitta types, can aggravate Kapha types due to high water content of the courgettes and oil content. Eating it as part of a meal that has a lot of dry qualities can help offset this. Add chilli to it for kapha types – when in balance it’s fine to occasionally eat the foods Ayurveda recommends leaning away from, it’s all about balance!